

Finology is an application that connects Financial Advisors and Student grads to help them control and navgate their student loans.
I arrived to this side project when the core application (advisor side) was almost complete, and now the biggest need was to create the consumer side of the application.
This is ultimately divided into two projects:

Invite new client: After the advisor invites a client, we needed a flow for the client to join the application, add their loan information, and view simulations ran by their advisor.
Find an advisor: If a client decides to find his own advisor, we needed a flow for the customer to perform this action first through our commercial website, and then in the consumer app.

For this project I worked as a product designer, but also collaborated with the Founder in creating a sustainable roadmap, and setting up a JIRA environment and processes. This is a fast moving 5 people startup, so some processes were a little rougher than usual

Discovery , flows, and wireframing

Discovery for this project involved interviews to users with student loans, to understand what their needs are from their advisor. We focused also on understanding what the user needs to see to be able to decide which advisor he wants to connect with.

Invite New Client – Roughly mapping actions and user flow, creating rough screens to discuss with engineering and founder before refinement

Find an Advisor – Listing questions and assumptions for discovery, requirements and user flows.

Advisor Dashboard

Find an advisor – The client can choose up to 3 advisors to send applications to. Section in the bottom serves to ensure they keep track of the selected advisors even if they clear or change filters, or enter the search results page.

Prospects tab for Advisor – Once the user submitted applications, he will appear as a prospect for the respective Advisors that he applied to. The advisor can then Accept or Decline the application, which will trigger an email to the prospect. If accepted, the prospect will automatically be converted into a client.